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Each industry and region faces unique issues or barriers that may limit the employment of apprentices and trainees.

The Growing Apprenticeships and Traineeships: Industry and Regionally-Led Solutions (GATIRS) Program supports innovative projects that address barriers and increase employer engagement with the apprenticeship and traineeship system.

Program initiatives

This Program aims to:

  • strengthen Tasmania’s workforce by increasing the number of new apprentices and trainees employed;
  • identify existing industry and/ or regional barriers that limit the employment of apprentices and trainees and trial targeted solutions to resolve these barriers; and
  • support collaborative relationships between industry, employers, community organisations, and training organisations.

Eligibility for the program

To be eligible to apply for funding, your organisation must be one of the following:

  • An industry association or peak body with Tasmanian employers as members and representatives on governing bodies or committees.
  • A regional development association with capacity to represent employers and industry in specific regions of Tasmania.
  • An individual organisation that is a legal identity acting on behalf of a regional or industry collaboration or group.

Further details are provided in the Program Guide for each grant round, which will be available on this page when the grant round opens.

Applying for the program

A Program Guide will be released for each grant round. It details the eligibility and grant conditions for that round of the program and should be read before drafting an application. The guide will be available on this page when a grant round is due to open.

Applications for the Program are lodged through an online application form. A link will be available on this page when a grant round is open.

The application process requires you to address a number of criteria and attach supporting evidence. Applications are then assessed and scored by a selection panel.

Successful applicants will be required to enter a grant deed with Skills Tasmania, which will set out the terms and conditions for receiving the funding.

Projects previously funded under the GATIRS Program

Details of projects previously funded under the GATIRS Program can be found here.

Program Guides from previous grant rounds can be found here. Note  there may be differences in the conditions of each grant round. Previous Program Guides should not be relied upon to draft applications for future rounds.

Can I vary my existing GATIRs Program agreement?

If you wish to vary the conditions of your contract, please contact the GATIRS Program Manager at

Need more information?

Contact Program Manager on (03) 6165 6012.